Speech Therapists
Our Speech Therapy team provides a wealth of experience and specialty areas dedicated to early intervention and preschool services.

Olivia Blais
Speech Language Pathologist
Olivia is a recent gradate of Plattsburgh State with a Master's degree in Speech Language Pathology. Olivia has made a great addition to our team and has expertise in working with a variety of children and language disorders including autism, articulation and language disorders.

Leanne Bula
Speech Language Pathologist
Leanne is a seasoned SLP working part-time with North Country Kids. She has expertise in treating articulation, Apraxia and language disorders.

Allison Holland
Speech Language Pathologist
Allison is a seasoned provider with a diverse background in all areas of speech therapy, with a specialty in ABA and discrete trial training as well as Prompt therapy for articulation and apraxia of speech.

Karen Kain
Speech Language Pathologist
Karen has extensive knowledge with early childhood development and specializes in articulation, stuttering and Autism. She currently provides services in the home and community, as well as our preschool classroom.

Marylou Craumer
Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
Marylou has a diverse background in all areas of speech therapy including classroom, school age and itinerant experience. She treats a variety of communication disorders including Autism, Apaxia, oral motor delays and articulation.

Pam Ryan
Speech Language Patholoigst
Pam is a seasoned speech therapist with expertise in working with children with articluation disorders, language disorders and autism.

Katie Liggett
Speech Language Pathologist
Katie has a diverse background in speech language pathology with a passion for working with the Autism population. Her extensive knowledge of Applied Behavior Analysis and augmentative communication are indispensable. Katie has additional training in working with children with feeding disorders and cleft lip and palate. She is always eager to learn new techniques to help her students.

Chelsey Compeau
Speech Language Pathologist
Chelsey is proficient in Applied Behavior Analysis techniques including video modeling, shaping and chaining, discrete trails, and verbal behavior. She currently provides services in the home setting and our 6:1:2 classroom. She has extensive knowledge of augmentative communication and programming communication devices.

Ciara Mock
Speech Language Pathologist
Ciara is well versed in addressing behavioral issues and exhibits an extensive knowledge working with children on the autism spectrum of all ages from birth through school aged. She has extensive knowledge of augmentative communication devices and programming.
Emily Carpenter-Kerr
Speech Language Pathologist
Emily joined our team in 2018 after graduating from Plattsburgh State University. She got into the filed because language is fascinating to her and figuring out how to help children use language is exciting! She thinks little kids are fun and surprising! Emily's hobbies include music, playing board games and hiking.

Amanda Jackson
Speech Language Pathologist
Amanda has several years experience working with infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Her primary passion is helping children on the Autism Spectrum. Her expertise in Applied Behavior Analysis are invaluable to our agency and the children she services. She is currently the lead teacher in our 6:1:2 classroom.

Tana Hanley
Speech Language Pathologist
Tana joined our team in 2019 bringing years of expertise in the field of Speech Language Pathology.

Jillian Garrow
Speech Language Pathologist
Jillian has 14 years experience as an SLP working in early intervention and preschool. She currently works in the homes with birth to 3 year olds and provides speech therapy in our integrated classroom. She is a skilled evaluator with knowledge on a variety of testing tools. She specializes in Autism and is certified in Prompt therapy.